Have horror movies gotten worse?

The killer slowly approached their victim from behind; they pulled on the wolf mask that had been hidden in their coat before they shuffled as they lifted the ax from next to them; they aimed the ax at the head of the victim before they slammed down. Before the ax could even touch the victim, the scene suddenly pauses, giving the audience time to understand what happened. A camera is picked up, showing the audience a screen with the paused scene. The camera was lifted and turned around to show the killer watching their “movie” with a smile on their lips… As time goes on, horror movies have gotten increasingly violent. They are more graphic, gory, and inappropriate; they have no more scare factor. There are more jumpscares, and they feel rushed; there is no actual story or understanding of what is going on in the film. They throw together a story to try and make it artsy when no one even understands what is going on or how they are supposed to process the information being given to them. Whenever there is a storyline that goes along with it, it always seems overdone or poorly executed. The set designs are not as good as they used to be; they just set the movie in a basic mansion for rich people to start getting murdered in when they decide to play a late-night murder mystery game, with apparent clues hidden within the set of who it could be or how someone will get murdered next. Directors try to stretch out this idea so much that it makes the original film lose a small amount of the magic it once had when it was first released. Horror movies are turning into fast-paced scary pornos with no actual meaning to them. While being close to many, the horror genre needs some newer ideas to come to light. They need to have more thought put into the sets and the whole storyline idea instead of just the same storyline going on repeatedly.

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