Just a dream

Ever sense I was a little girl I always visited the hockey rink I always found it fascinating to watch the hockey players almost float across the ice because of how fast they were moving and how majestic they looked. Even though my parents didn’t exactly approve of my fascination with the hockey players by the age of 8 I had begged pleaded and successfully got my parents to sign up and or buy into any and everything hockey channel so that when I wasn’t watching hockey in person at the rink I would be able to watch it on TV so much so that by the time I was 10 years old I new every play, call and or penalty there was to know in hockey. so much so that at the age of 12 my parents took me to my first ever real NHL hockey in New Jersey and needles to say that I was ecstatic for first time in my entire life I was going to a real hockey game watching my favorite team play. When I got there it was like a dream come true there were so many people there that were just not as excited to be there if not more excited. My parents had bought front row seats and I was right next to the goal later in the game when the opposing team was racing to the New Jersey Devils goal I saw my favorite player on the team and he waved to me that is when I knew that I was actually sleeping I was dreaming none of this was real. None of it…

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