michael laughing fox

Laughing Fox is an indigenous person. that is from the eagle clan. he is a storyteller who came to South Ridge to tell some of his stories to both the high school and elementary. 

at the beginning of his presentation, he introduced himself in his native language as a laughing fox. he began to talk about himself and the stories he was gonna tell. all of his educational stories from the Inishanobe culture that was passed down from his elders. the first story he told us was about the creation of the flute It started with a man who was good at everything except speaking his flute. he met a girl who took his heart but when he tried to speak to her no words came out this made him upset. he heard about a deer who held a love potion so he went out to hunt it everywhere he went he saw a white glance and aimed his bow at it but nothing was there and it became late so he went to bed but before he went to bed he heard a sound he had never heard a before. in the morning he offered some tobacco to the gods and a bird came down and told him to use and construct the flute. that was the first story he told us.

the second story he told us was about how he made his first song on the flute. laughing fox was in the forest as he was playing the flute he saw 2 squirrels chasing each other around and making noise so he tried to scare them off by making the same noises it didn’t scare them but made them more curious they got closer and closer then went back to chasing each other that was the end of the second story.

the third story wads about a boy who thought he knew everything. so he went out to tell the adults to do the jobs better but nobody would listen to him. so he went out to his grandmother who was a medicine maker. the boy asked if she had anything to make him smarter. the grandma said yes but she had to go out and get it. after a few minutes, the boy went up to his grandma and asked if the medicine was ready. the grandma said yes and pulled out these black pellets and said they were smart berries. the boy grabbed one of the berries and said that’s rabbit poop thew grandma said look you’re getting smarter already and that was the end of the 3rd story and his presentation.

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