Giant Squids

Giant squids are real. They can range from 10-13 meters(33-43 feet) in length. They are usually pinkish-red with white or grey accents. They have 8 tentacles and two big arms, having 10 in total. Giant squids regularly battle with whales. The type of whale that usually fights with squids is the sperm whale, often winning. The sperm whale has to dive more than 2 kilometers(1.4 miles) to reach the giant squid, their favorite food. Giant squids usually eat shrimp, fish, and other squids; they might even attack and eat small whales.

Giant squids aren’t afraid to attack human divers; they have powerful tentacles and can pull them down and cut up the wetsuit suits and skin with their sharp teeth and claws. There are more dangerous giant squid species; the most hazardous to divers is the Humboldt squid; they have no fear or hesitation when hunting prey. But most of these giant sea creatures stay pretty deep in the water, far from where humans dive.

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