The current project of the Sculpture class at South Ridge

The students in the sculpture class are currently making a coil pod out of clay, which they are decorating with personal images. 

They are putting together coils of clay to form the pod.  The hardest challenge was to make the coils long enough and for them not to break.

Once they reach the perfect height and get the form they want, the students smooth it out. This was a very long process and a lot of them wanted to give up while doing it. Just kidding.

Now they are at a more interesting step. They are making little symbols that mean something to them and put it on their pod. Some put their sign on it, some the logo of their favorite drink and some just put symbols they liked on it.

It was a long progress of making those and some of the students asked why they just couldn’t throw it on the throwing wheel. But overall the students liked this project and some really cool pods came out of it.

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