Homecoming 2018


Homecoming 2018 was definitely one no one will forget.

Monday was the first day of our homecoming week. Our theme for homecoming this year was “There’s no place like HomeCOMING.” To kick off the day, 12 people from each grade decorated a wall in the lunchroom. The sophomores won with a Wizard of Oz forest theme. First place in every activity gets 50 points. On Monday people were dressed up as if they were still in bed. Yes, that’s right, it was pajama day! Juniors won PJ day for having the most amount of people dress up.

On Tuesday people were dressed as if they were walking the beaches of Hawaii. Hawaiian day. Juniors won the dress up day again. If you walked into the school gymnasium during Tuesday’s eating contest, what a strange sight you would see. Asn two people representing each grade battled off to see who could eat the most amount of donuts in one minute. The entire high school was cheering their grade on. 12th grade had 21 donuts left, 11th also had 21, 10th had 25, and 9th grade had 28 donuts left. For a tiebreaker between juniors and seniors, they saw who could finish their donuts faster. In the end, the juniors won and earned themselves another 50 points. Next was arm wrestling. With a professional arm wrestling table, one girl and one boy representing their grade fought for first place. For the girl’s division, the sophomores came out on top. For the boy’s division, the seniors squeaked out a win. Each earned their grade 50 points. The previous week, the speech team had been collecting cash donations from students with each teacher’s personalized buckets. Whichever teacher had the most money by Tuesday received a pie in the face. The new English teacher, that had started working the previous year, had gotten the pie.

After a pretty eventful day, Wednesday was a relaxed day. Seeing staggering differences between students as some were elegantly dressed looking ready to go to lunch with the president and others looked ready to go work on the farm. Juniors had won again with having the most people dressed up. The paper airplane contest was the first event that had happened on Wednesday. Allowing one participant per grade five minutes to make them and two chances to fly them, the sophomores won the paper airplane contest. Next was the scavenger hunt. Teams of two from each grade were given a list of items, from all around the school, to find and take a picture or video of. You wanted to stay clear of the hallways because the teams were on a mission. In the end, the freshmen took this win.

Thursday wasn’t as eventful as Tuesday. Inside of the school was flooded with pink outfits. Everyone was sporting pink for breast cancer awareness this day. Freshmen had the most amount of people wearing pink. Originally supposed to be a blowup obstacle course race, volleyball for all took place with teams of eight from each grade. There was a catch though, no volleyball players allowed. Students competed and the juniors won, earning themselves 50 points and a bonus game against the teachers. That night was the homecoming volleyball game. Students, parents, teachers and many other people filled the stands to support the varsity and junior varsity as they played Two Harbors. Most people wore pink to this game, even the players, for breast cancer awareness.

On Friday everyone was wearing their panther pride gear. The freshmen won with the most amount dressed up. The lip sync contest was the first event. Anyone from each grade could compete in this contest. The goal? Entertain the crowd. Students found many different ways to do this, from pretending to be in love with one another, to shredding on the air guitar. The teachers hopped in on this contest, too. Each class created a mash-up of their pick of songs to lip sync and dance to them. The seniors won this year. That night was the homecoming football game. Our varsity football game was against North Woods School. The weather was cold and wet, but the game made up for it. The Panthers won their homecoming football game.

The following day, Saturday, was the homecoming dance. Everyone danced the night away at the Wizard of Oz themed dance. Fruit, desserts, and beverages were served. The coronation took place at 7:20 p.m. The night was filled with good music, dance moves, and friends.

In conclusion, the juniors had won all of the homecomings. They got to take the Silver Panther. Everyone had an amazing time competing. This week had many laughs and smiles. Students will want to relive this week over and over again.


Alien Queen, Starchild, PKOB

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