50 Lifestyle Tips Archived

Lifestyle tip #1- Hold the door for another person, and they’ll smile in gratitude.

lifestyle tip #2- Laugh in public and the public will laugh with you.self

Lifestyle tip #3- Roll your clothes and you’ll fit more into the suitcase.

Lifestyle tip #4- Remember to breathe.

Lifestyle tip #5- Be a pineapple. Wear a crown and be sweet on the inside.

Lifestyle tip #6- People say “go big or go home.” HECK YEAH, I want to go home! And when I get there? I’m going to take a nap.

Lifestyle tip #7- Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed.

Lifestyle tip #8- Me? Crazy? I should get off this unicorn and smack you!

Lifestyle tip #9- Be a Porg. You’re cute, creepy, and you can guilt-trip Chewbacca.

Lifestyle tip #10- When life shuts a door…open it again. It’s a door. That’s how they work.

Lifestyle tip #11- Study tip: laminate your notes so the tears roll off.

Lifestyle tip #12- A friend knocks on your door. A best friend walks into your house, kicks off their shoes, and raids the fridge.

Lifestyle tip #13- If we’re not meant to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge?

Lifestyle tip #14- Sometimes I surprise myself with the stuff I say or do. And I then proceed to try to get out of the car when my seatbelt is still buckled.

Lifestyle tip #15-Hope for the best, expect the worst. Life is a play. We’re unrehearsed.

Lifestyle tip #16- When Life gives you lemons, make orange juice and make people question how you do it.

Lifestyle tip #17- Just admit it, the real reason you didn’t do your homework was that you were on YouTube all night.

Lifestyle tip #18-Life is the beautiful lie we face; death is the ugly truth we’re afraid to encounter.

Lifestyle tip #19-When life knocks you down…get back up, smile politely, and calmly say “You hit like a fly.”

Lifestyle tip #20-Trying to be smart is hard when you’re surrounded by people with no common sense.

Lifestyle tip #21-Don’t hide behind a fence if you’re running from a gun. Don’t hide behind a corner if you’re hiding from a blade.

Lifestyle tip #22-Even if the weather’s nice, always carry an umbrella.

Lifestyle tip #23-Be shmert.

Lifestyle tip #24-Want to hear a horror story? MONDAY!

Lifestyle tip #25-Don’t spray body spray or aerosols in the hallway. People are allergic.

Lifestyle tip #26-You can be like Beyonce, you can be like Queen Elizabeth, or you can be like Mel B. But I suggest being like Mjölner and only allow those who are worthy to pick you up.

Lifestyle tips #27-Read a book.

Lifestyle tips #28-Be who you are, not who they were.

Lifestyle tips #29- My goal this weekend is to move just enough that people know I’m not dead.

Lifestyle tip #30- If you fail a pregnancy test, what is the result? (NOTE: this is not meant to be offensive in any way!)

Lifestyle tip #31- Everyone wants happiness; no one wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.

Lifestyle tip #32- Everyone has that one friend, the friend that will never leave you and understands everything you say and do. And then there’s me, the friend who is wondering why you are standing on a donkey doing the Macarena.

Lifestyle tip #33- Be like a noodle. You can bend and twist, coil and break, but in reality, you’re still a noodle.

Lifestyle tip #34- The face of a child can say the most words, especially the mouth portion.

Lifestyle tip #35- When I have a headache, I follow the rules on the bottle. I take two Asprins and keep away from children.

Lifestyle tip #36- DON’T SPOIL INFINITY WAR!!!!!!!

Lifestyle tip #37- Don’t listen to the evil demon inside you; you are beautiful.

Lifestyle tip #38- The definition of a modern-day club dress- it’s a skirt.

Lifestyle tip #39- Embrace your differences.

Lifestyle tip #40- Know the difference between a dog and a human. (it may come in handy-important information for the CIA)

Lifestyle tip #41- Pass on memories and they will never die.

Lifestyle tip #42- Dance like no one is watching. Because, seriously, everyone is on their phones, they really aren’t watching.

Lifestyle tip #43- The grass is always greener…, seriously, that’s it. It’s spring; what did you expect?

Lifestyle tip #44- Peace is but a state of mind

Lifestyle tip #45- Don’t judge a percussionist for what beat they play.

Lifestyle tip #46- Wink at a wrinkle, wrinkle at a wink.

Lifestyle tip #47- Never tell me that the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.

Lifestyle tip #48- Good times+ Crazy friends=Classified

Lifestyle tip #49-Snakes don’t eat peaches!

Lifestyle tip #50- Friends are angels that lift us up when we forget how to fly.

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