Opiates Presentation

by: Bella


Take Back Night, On March 19, South Ridge Community Ed will be sponsoring/hosting an Opiates in Minnesota Presentation, at 6:00 in the South Ridge Forum. Turn in your expired or unused medication to the box, where they will be safely disposed of.  Student assembly will take place in the afternoon hours of the school day.


Opioids are, a class of drug that includes illegal heroin, synthetic opioids such as, fentanyl, and pain relievers available by prescription. The CDC states that over the last 14 months the opioid crisis has increased over 30%. How are people getting these drugs? Over 50% of the opioids that people are addicted to are prescribed pain relievers. Doctors over prescribe these drugs, people get addicted, they overdose, and pass away. 115 people die from overdosing on opioids each day, that’s a wakeup call states “The Guardian”.  






On March 19, Stephanie Devich arrived at South Ridge School to inspire.  She told us the falls and rises of her life, she told us her story. Many people were brought to tears after hearing the choices she made throughout her life, and how she overcame the struggles.  I felt as she spoke her story the students that were hearing her, were actually listening. She inspired all of us, some more than others.

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